Emery is celebrating his first birthday next Sunday and I wanted to make his party invitations, so I snapped some pictures of him last week to put on the card. 
As I was trying to decide on a party theme, Savannah offered up many suggestions. When I decided to make it “sporty”, she insisted Cars (from the Disney movie) is what he really wanted.
Although I have tried not to stereotype my kids into what kinds of things they “should” play with, to be perfectly honest, this child LOVES to play with balls. Footballs, soccer balls, even a rubber yard ball that is only halfway inflated are his toys of choice. And it’s about the only thing that will hold his attention for any length of time.

As I was trying to decide on a party theme, Savannah offered up many suggestions. When I decided to make it “sporty”, she insisted Cars (from the Disney movie) is what he really wanted.

So sports balls will be the party theme and tomorrow I am going shopping for all the cool accessories that make throwing a party so much fun!!!