Yes, Dorothy, that’s right. But I’m not talking about Kansas. I’m not even talking about the home I share with my husband and 2 kids. You know, the one that I obsess over and clean several times a day, just so it looks neat and tidy, even though it would fail the white glove test miserably. The one that I never seem to relax in because “I will sit down and rest for a minute as soon as I do this one thing.” Then that one thing turns into another one and so on. It just doesn’t ever seem to happen for me.
No, I am talking about my parents home. It’s not exactly the home I grew up in, seeing as we moved to Georgia when I was 18, but it has been their house for the past 16 years. And it is the only place I can go and truly unwind. Maybe even be a little, hmmm, should I say it? Lazy. (shhhh…don’t tell).
Last Sunday, not yesterday, but a week ago, I came down with flu-like stuff. I was in bed by 9:00 with fever, chills, aches, and pains. By Monday morning that had gone and in its place were some seriously stuffy sinuses. I don’t know if it’s my age, the fact that I have young children, or a combination of both, but I just can’t get over sickness like I used to. All week I suffered and by Thursday, I was just plain tired!
Jeremy left Thursday morning for a work thing in Pittsburg and I was glad I decided not to go. Instead, that day I packed up the kids and headed to my moms for the weekend. When I woke up Friday morning with a splitting headache, I knew mama would have my back. And she did! I went to a doctors appointment and then waited FOREVER getting my prescription filled. I knew the kids were in good hands with Nanny and Grampa. If I would have been at home Friday, I would have thought it was too much hassle to try and get in to see my Dr. I’d probably still be sniffling today!
The other great thing about Moms is that they know just what to do. You don’t have to ask them like you do husbands. That is so wonderful! When my medicine made me sleepy, I knew I could crash out on the couch and Mom would handle whatever happened in the meantime. I didn’t have to try to rest by keeping one eye opened! I actually got in some good, solid sleep and it felt so gooooood!!!
Now that I am writing this, I am wondering where Mom goes to recharge? And I’m also hoping that Savannah and Emery will always feel like our house is a place they can go to breathe easy when the demands of life get to be too much!
Thanks Mom and Dad!!!