It’s so funny that Elizabeth tagged me today (or maybe yesterday, but I just read it today), because I was planning to write a post this morning on a fabulous book I finished last weekend. I am supposed to “open the nearest book to page 123, type 6 – 8 lines of the book and tag three other people”. (And since I only know 2 other bloggers, and one of those 2 tagged me, well… Jess…you’re IT!)
So here is a passage taken out of “Feathers From My Nest” by Beth Moore, the chapter titled “The Stray Dog”:
The man really hated to part with her, but Michael could wail the loudest of any child you have ever heard. So, off we went. Mother, son, and the smartest dog this side of the Mississippi. We had won the battle, but had we indeed won the tryouts? Clearly, convincing Sunny to move in permanently was going to take some effort. We put a plan into motion and aggressively commenced courting her favor. Sunny began to go almost everywhere with us. She and Michael were thick as thieves, but I was growing more attached by the day. It was interesting how much cuter she got once she was “ours” and we startd falling in love with her. The same principle is why none of us parents know if our children are really cute or not. The way I see it, love is far more nearsighted than it is blind.
This book is SO GOOD!!! I REALLY recommend ANY woman reading it. It is mainly about the authors life as a wife and mom, written as she becomes an empty nester and is finding items throughout the house to reflect upon. But my sister, who is single, opened it up to see what it was about before she wrapped it up for me as a Christmas gift, and couldn’t put it down. She says ANYBODY will LOVE this book.
Beth Moore’s writing style is so open and honest. There were chapters that made me laugh out loud, and one in particular that left tears streaming down my face. It is SO, SO, SO good…did I mention that? :)
Thank you to my good friend Amy for recommending it to me…and thank you to Jess, for a wonderful Christmas present. I loved it!