Sorry I’ve not written in a while. My mom griped the other day that everytime she checks my blog to see if I’ve updated, it plays that song from the video I posted over the weekend and it gets in her head all day. Sorry if that’s happening to you too! At least it’s an upbeat, catchy little ditty!
I have not had a moment to myself since I got back from the retreat. I will spare you the details, but I had a prior committment on Monday, Tuesday was getting the house back in order, and yesterday was running errands all over town. In addition to that stuff, I was working on some of Jeremy’s accounting.
And here is just a side note. You know how sometimes people will ask you to do something, and it’s not that much, so you say, “Sure!”? Then they ask you for another little thing and another. And any of the one little things by themselves are not going to take too long, but suddenly you have an entire list of little things and now you are getting nothing else accomplished???
Well, that is what happened to me with Jeremy. He has needed some misc done for our office, but all the stuff had turned into a major daily task and finally, on Tuesday I had to say, “Okay, you have to make a choice. Do you want me to work for you or raise the children, because I can’t do both. And frankly, the work stuff is taking precedence because of deadlines, and I’m tired of telling the kids to sit down and watch a movie all afternoon because I can’t be bothered.”
He had not seen it that way and totally understood where I was coming from, so he took my “to do” list back to the office with hopes of having someone else complete it. Truthfully I would love to help him out. I have said before that I miss working. But it is just not a good time for me to do that. Emery still needs his Mommy. And even though Savannah is independent enough to disappear for hours at a time, it doesn’t seem right for me to ignore her or be too busy when she does want some attention.
Okay, so back to the “Big Change” we have coming up. This is something that has not been taken lightly at our house. We have been praying and asking for guidance for about 4 months. We talked to a sales agent and believe we are doing the right thing by putting our house on the market.
Even though we feel it’s best for us right now, I have 2 problems with it. First, I don’t WANT to pack and move and disrupt the family life. I like this house. I like where it sits. I like all the room. I like the backyard where the kids have room to play and we entertain guests by sitting around the outdoor fireplace and grilling out. It has become more than a house to me…it is home.
Secondly, I am not looking forward to all the questions and comments that will come along with us selling again. This was never going to be our permanent home anyways, but we did plan on staying about 5 years. The decision to move is a personal one. There are many reasons people do it. I don’t want to say we have been forced into it, but when you own your own business, especially the type of business we own, sometimes you need a chunk of money do what needs to be done. Jeremy would call it “spending money to make money”.
Well, the biggest chunk of money we have is the equity in our home and we’ve decided to use it for the better-ment of our company, instead of waiting and using it to pay for our next home.
So add these to my “to do” list: find land for next house and sell this one!
No pressure!
Actually, I have been rather at peace with the decision. I have faith that we are doing God’s will for us and I also believe that He will honor this in the long run and we will have another house to call home. I certainly don’t think we will be homeless. We are builders after all! But I am just getting my wants in the way of my needs, and the longer I pray about it, the more clearly I see God’s plan.