Gee thanks, Jenna. I just don’t know what to say. And believe me, I’ve been thinking about it for the last 24 hours! I was also trying to think of the last award I have received and it must have been in high school for something athletic. I’ve never received any awards for academics. So imagine my surprise that I get to post this on my sidebar:
Jenna thought I deserved the award for my last 2 posts on Financial Freedom: tithing and saving. I am just so honored that she would “think” that about me, since most of the time when I finish writing I wonder if my rambling makes any sense to anybody else besides me! It is so nice to know that not only do I make sense, but it is somewhat thought provoking. What a surprise! :)
Now the hard part. I am supposed to pass the award on to 5 more “thinking bloggers”. I am so afraid that I am going to come off snobby in the blogging world when I say I don’t know of 5 thinking blogs that haven’t already been awarded. I really don’t read that many. Believe me though…I WANT to.
When I first started this blog, which will be a year later this month, I only knew one other blogger. The girl that got me into all this is Elizabeth. I started searching for more moms like me, especially Christian moms, that I could relate to. It took me a while, but somehow I stubbled across Faith Lifts. They had so many great links to other blogs that I spent hours pouring over all of them… Every Day! I found myself getting irritated if one of the kids got up early from a nap. And I also found that the household chores were piling up and I was having to do them in the evening instead of spending time with my husband. It was very addicting.
I decided to put a time limit on it. And I’m hoping that as my kids get older and maybe get in school, that I will have more time to read and really absorb what other bloggers are writing about. There are some really talented women out in the blogosphere.
With that being said, there is a blog that I enjoy and wish I had more time to read, and that is Girltalk. If I had to give the award to any one blog, that would be it. It is a mom and her 3 daughters that write about the joys and trials of being Christian women, mothers, and wives. If you haven’t been there, visit them today, one of the girls just had a baby and she is precious.
One of my favorite writers is Sarah. She and I could have the same experience and her version would be so much more worthwhile to read about. I don’t know how to explain it, she just has a very eloquent way with words.
And last, but not least, my 3 new friends: Jenna, Terri, and Beth. I am thoroughly enjoying your blogs, your comments, and your friendship.