I am getting a late start on my menu planning for this week. I’d really just like to get in the shower and get ready for bed, but Tuesday is my grocery day. If I don’t do it tonight, I’ll be at the store tomorrow without a list. And for me, that is NEVER a good thing!!!
Jeremy has been working from home a lot lately. It’s nice to have him around, but it drives me crazy because he stays on the computer so long. And really, what am I supposed to say? “Honey, I know you are doing actual work that provides us money, but it’s important for me to get in my daily dose of blogging…ya know, for sanity’s sake”. Think he’d go for it? I think not! :)
So, quickly (because I still need to make out the grocery list), here is what our menu looks like for this week:
Tuesday: Chicken Parmesan, Spinach Salad, and Chocolate Pudding
Wednesday: We have church so I’ll eat leftover Spinach Salad and Jeremy will grab something after work
Thursday: Having dinner at Nana’s
Friday: Beef Stroganoff, served over egg noodles
Saturday: Conquistadors and Cinnamon-Sugar Wraps for dessert made with the leftover Tortillas
Sunday: Mom pleads the Sabbath…no cooking outa me!
Thank you to Laura for giving us Menu Plan Monday every week!!!