I can’t believe I have my weekly menu and my grocery list done before noon today. Not to mention folded and put away 3 loads of laundry, washed another, distracted Emery away from playing in the toilet by wrestling him to the ground for tickle torture, made 3/4 of the beds, prepared breakfast and a snack, helped Savannah clean a boo-boo, filled sippy cups, read books to Emery, had a modesty talk with Savannah, disposed of a “sceery” bug, scrubbed the kitchen table and chairs, posted a recipe, and moved the furniture in preparation for deep cleaning the hardwoods when the kids go down for their naps after lunch. Whew!!! And it’s only 10:45!!!
I need a nap! Or at the very least, some breakfast.
But before I do that and possibly loose my momentum, here is the plan for the week:
Today: We have family coming over so we will be having a Honey Baked Ham*, potato salad (my mom’s…YUM!), and maybe some cole slaw or green bean casserole. Whatever I have the ingredients for.
Tuesday: Lasagna with salads and garlic bread.
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Sausage Brunch, toast, fresh fruit.
Friday: More leftovers!!! Got a lot this week!
Saturday: Our niece’s 17th birthday party.
Sunday: Please eat up all those leftovers!!!
*Note of thanks to Uncle Jonathan for waiting in line for 3 hours Saturday during Honey Baked Ham’s 50th anniversary sale and getting us a ham for 1/2 price. I would have said it wasn’t worth it, but the story he got out of the experience was definitely worthwhile. Ha!!!*
More menu’s and recipes can be found at Laura’s site.