No news today, just going back through my to do list from Tuesday and seeing how I am doing:
1. pay bills
2. call agent regarding contract(Waiting for call back at this point)
3. call CPA(emailed him)
4. fax CPA (Did this twice!)
5. get terminte letter for closing(not necessary per contract)
6. pack some boxes (5 done so far…)
7. run on treadmill 3 times(once so far…and I’m still holding out for today)(2 out of 3 is not bad)
8. go to bank
9. take Savannah to friends house on Thursday(cancelled for sanity’s sake)
10. review office bank statements (7 of them)
11. take said statments to the office
12. pack Emery’s bag for babysitter on Friday
13. pack Savannah’s overnight bag for her babysitter on Friday
14. get kids’ immunization records for preschool open house on Thursday night(ready for p/u Thursday a.m.)
15. catch up on laundry (5 down and 3 to go…) (All loads are done, but 2 still need to be folded)
16. pick up the house (main level so far…the basement is next)(I’d still like to clean up Savannah’s room before I leave and while she is spending the night away…it’s a control thing!)
17. maybe clean a bathroom (or 3)…This will NOT be happening.
18. vaccum (Main level only)
19. pack my own overnight bags
20. And try not to neglect the children while doing items 1-19. (So far they’ve been pretty neglected except every once in a while when I have to stop what I’m doing to yell at them that they better get along so I can keep ignoring them. I am wondering at this point if the weekend trip will be worth all this!) (I wrote that yesterday. It was a bad day. Lots of fighting, yelling, and frustration. Today is better. Of course, the kids have been at my mother in laws for the past 5 hours. Hee hee.)
Soooooooo looking forward to tomorrow and 2 whole days of NOT being a Mom or wife or a Mom. Did I already say that? Gosh I love my kids, but man, it’s so tiring being their mother! Women of Faith…here I come!!!! (Even if I don’t get the bathrooms cleaned!)