After reading my last post, a dear blogging friend named Angela commented and suggested that I join her for Live Well Wednesdays, hosted by CWO. Not a bad idea. A little accountability. So let me tell you how the whole South Beach thing has been going.
In a nutshell (20 of them to be exact), it’s had its ups and downs.
On the upside, it’s a great way to eat. The first 2 weeks are pretty restrictive, in a no-bread-sugar-cereal-fruit-juice sort of way. But when I logged onto the SB website and plugged in my height and weight, they said I didn’t really need to jump start my weight loss and could dive right into phase 2. I celebrated that information today by eating an entire Kashi pizza with whole wheat crust and topped with spinach, roasted sweet peppers, and feta cheese. It was wonderful!
And I lost 1 pound. Whoo-hoo!
The downside though, is going to be hard to get around. For one thing, I really, really, REALLY dislike grocery shopping. I’ve been able to get my shopping trips down to twice a month, with quick stops in between for milk and bread and fruit. But now my menu plans call for fresh vegtables. Lots and LOTS of fresh vegtables. I’ve been to the grocery store 2 times in 7 days. And I’m afraid it’s going to break my food budget for the month, so I will need to tinker with this going forward.
Another problem is seeing the look on my sweet husband’s face when he gets home from work. A long hard day at work. A long hard stressful day at work. I’ve always prided myself in welcoming him in from those days with mouthwatering aromas. Pot roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, yeast rolls, pies, and cakes. Is there any better way to say “I love you! Thank you for working so hard. Come in, sit down, and relax behind this yummy bowl of chicken and dumplings.”?
This week he has been staring at plates of broiled fish, steamed asparagus, salads, and baked chicken breasts. Not the most appealing dinner for a southern boy like him. Even though he wanted to be on the plan too, it’s been hard to get used to. And let’s not even talk about the kids who are looking at their plates, then at me, then their plates, then at me as if I’m trying to poison them and saying, “this is yucky” before so much as a taste on their tongue.
But I’m not going to get discouraged. Life changes like this do not happen instantly. This will be a day by day, week by week process. Making different food choices that we would normally make. Trying to live in a healthy way. And it’s all good!
Look at the bright side – Even when I cook those mouth-watering, yummy pot roast or chicken & dumpling meals, I still have at least one kid, sometimes two, look at their plate, and then at me, and then at their plate, etc. declaring their distaste before they even try it:)
nbnffgg hhhfddsdsfdgfgvbvbbbbbbbn — That is Tyler sending his sympathies to Savannah and Emery :) Good luck!