Our flight takes off at 5:20 tomorrow night. I’ve been doing pretty well keeping up with my “to do” list. The packing of the bags has me a little stressed right now because I just don’t know how it’s all going to come together. It doesn’t help that Jeremy is a procrastinator. And that drives me a LITTLE BIT crazy!!! At times.
Anyways, I’ve done about all I can do until he gets home from his softball game tonight (yes…as a matter of fact he IS going to his softball game tonight…the night before we fly out of the country…with unpacked bags!!!!!). Right now I’m fixing tacos and my biggest worry is about whether or not to take my camera.
I have a bizzare love affair with my camera and know that if I don’t take it, I will regret it forever! But what if it gets stolen or lost??? I’m not sure I could handle the guilt!!! I have been back and forth about this all afternoon. What to do, what to do???