I put a lot of thought into our family’s Christmas cards each year. It combines 2 of my favorite things: Christmas itself and taking pictures. Last year I bundled the kids up, took them out into the front yard, and got some great shots like this:
Never mind that it was close to 80 degrees.
There were so many pictures that I loved from that day I wondered how I would ever choose just one for the Christmas card.
Then I found this card that allowed me to use 5 photos for the card. And it turned out beautifully. I just loved them.
The problem? I feel like I peaked too soon. I mean, I have many, MANY more years of family cards to send out and now I’ve got to top last year? How is that possible? They were perfectly precious! (In my not-so-professional and slightly partial opinion anyways.)
I was telling Jeremy this very thing today and of course he is looking at me like I am a fruitcake. He’s like, “You know, you are the only one pressuring yourself about this.” Oh sure. Get me with logic. Thanks a lot! I was looking for some sympathy or better yet, how about a great idea for a family Christmas card. Anyone out there got a suggestion? Anyone? Bueller?