From the weekend, that is. Saturday we opened our house to 40 of our closest, craziest UGA football cronies. Well, in all honestly there were a couple of Gator fans in the group, but they politely cheered for Georgia against LSU. I don’t anticipate the same etiquette at this Saturday’s showdown though!
It was GREAT fun and normally I would recooperate on Sunday afternoon. But instead, after spending the morning at church, Jeremy headed out to the football field with Emery to throw the ball around with some of the guys from our 9th grade Sunday School class, and my mom had tickets for Savannah and I to see Disney on Ice.
We had an extra ticket so Savannah’s friend Reese joined in the fun. After much deliberation, I decided to leave my camera at home. But I was able to catch the above shot of the “princesses” eating popcorn and cotton candy during intermission with my cell phone.
It’s fun to be busy and doing exciting things with the people I love, but then once my Monday routine began, I wondered where my weekend had gone! Yesterday I talked to my BFF Amy who I hadn’t talked to in FOREVER! How sad is that? We agreed to make time to get together and frankly, there is no time like the present.
We both arranged childcare and met each other for dinner last night. It was so wonderful. We ate in peace, finished our sentences, and even got to order our very own drink that we didn’t have to share with anybody else!!!
I woke up this morning to the same ole to-do list, but it’s funny how a night of “girl-therapy” can take the edge off. So I’m still plugging away, trying to put my house back together, and getting ready for another crazy weekend. Family dinner at Papa’s, trick or treating, cotton gin festival, tractor parade, Ga/Fl game, etc.
My calendar is not always this full. But what a blessing! We have the best friends and family. Our kids love our friends’ kids. I never dreamed I’d be a part of such a wonderful group. And I am looking forward to another crazy fun-filled weekend. If you don’t hear from me again in a while, never fear, I am probably buried beneath piles of dirty clothes or scrubbing my way through the ever present toilet ring! TTFN!!!