The weekend was fun. From what I understand, people all over the United States were soaking up some beautiful weather as the sun peeked out from behind winter cloud cover and gave everyone an excuse to forgo their Saturday chores and head outside.
We were no exception. Jeremy took an opportunity to go fishing and so the kids and I called up Nanny to see if she wanted to ride to Hard Labor Creek with us. We felt an afternoon of hiking and picnicking was in order.
Even Stafford got in on the action.
After a day of running, climbing, jumping, sliding, skipping, laughing, tripping, pouting, and rock climbing we were all beat! Baths and bed came quickly Saturday night. The next morning was a blur of nursery duty, worship, and Sunday School. Followed by cleaning out my car and garage. Then off to small group for dinner and Bible study.
Then this:
About mid-way through our study we heard a crash, pause, then panicked crying. Funny how Mom’s always know which cry belongs to their child, even in a room full of other kids and behind closed doors. I immediately got up and headed to the bedroom where some of the children were watching a movie.
Emery was laying at the foot of the bed covering his face. I picked him up and could already see a puffy, purple shiner coming through. He spent the rest of the night asking for more “ice cubes” (ice pack) and telling me to kiss it one more time so it would feel better.