Tonight I thought I might catch up on a little blog reading. Maybe do some Facebooking. Surf the web a bit. Things I used to enjoy but haven’t had the time to do in a while.
Usually Wednesday night is for church. The kids have choir followed by Bible Buddies or Mission Friends, which ever it is this year. (Nice that I can’t remember, huh?)
But this is Spring Break for our county, so no church activities this week. Jeremy was working tonight so we had a “whatever,whenever” dinner night with Aladin on the big screen. I plopped down with my laptop and googled away.
Around 7:30 the kiddos wanted a few more minutes to play outside, so I granted them another 30 before baths and bed.
Not quite ready to give up the laptop, but knowing I needed to get them bathed, I opted to fill my jacuzzi tub and let them play together a while longer. Yep, I was buying time. And sometimes that comes with a hefty pricetag.
Just about the time I was ordering The 30 Day Shred DVD from Amazon (I got motivated by the 30 day challenge at Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. Go check it out, Girl! I’m in.)…. I heard my son yell, “CANON BALLLLLLLLLLL!” ***SPLASH***
Well, that got me off the couch for sure! I turned the corner of my bathroom to find water everywhere. Savannah had already gotten out, wrapped a towel around herself, and was laughing at the antics of her little brother who was floating face down in my bathtub, wearing swimming trunks.
When he finally came up for air he got a lecture of sorts and sent off to bed without ice cream. I, on the other hand, can’t wait to finish typing this because I did not do a canon ball in my bathtub and I will be indulging in a BIG bowl of Breyers cookies and cream as soon as I hit “publish”. (I only have 4 more days before The Shredding begins, so I don’t want to hear anything about my indulgences until after April 6th, m’kay?)