Warning: this post contains many, many pictures of my family. Which will surely delight…my family. The rest of you will just have to suffer through, or “mark as read” on the google reader. Which ever is fine with me.
For anyone wishing to continue, we had a busy weekend. The weather was gorgeous. Friday we planned our annual trek to the strawberry fields.
The outing was postponed until late in the day due to the heat. Intense! Whew…it was a hot one! Fortunately, that left me plenty of time to make the angel food cake we enjoyed after the pickin’, cleanin’, and sweetenin’.
Saturday morning we got up and went to Papa’s for some fishing.
And playing with my camera.
And basically enjoying a nice, relaxing day. (Until we were “swarmed” with bees. Or so the dramatic duo thought!)
Sunday we went to church with my sister and afterwards, Jeremy got invited to play golf. Ooooh, that sounds nice, I thought. I didn’t want to play against Jeremy and his friend, but I really wanted to go and just veg-out in the golf cart, working on my tan, as he played.
And I got to play with my camera some more.
We had dropped the kids off with his dad, and upon our return to pick them up Jeremy couldn’t resist picking up a rod one more time and heading down to the lake (it’s an addiciton, I tell you!).
This time there were no swarming bees and lots more fish to catch.
I really don’t know if Emery is kissing this fish or not. It sure looks like it! And I have plenty of pictures of his Dad kissing bass. So who knows… maybe it’s hereditary?
And there it is. Our weekend in a nutshell. We haven’t been that busy 3 days in a row in I don’t know when. It was fun and it was nice, but I’m ready to chill at home for the rest of this week! It has made me tired just writing it all down! :)