Last Saturday, Jeremy took Emery to play 18 holes with him. Thinking that sounded like a bit much for a 4 year old, I did what any other mom would do.
I packed his little backpack to the hilt with Leapster games, racing cars, and Toy Story figurines.
Much to my surprise, Jeremy called me on the 9th green and said that Emery was having a great time. He had taken a pint sized golf club and was letting him tee off on each hole. From what I understand, he was also encouraging the other golfers. “Oooh, nice shot!” “Good ball.” Or “Great drive!”
Excited at the potential of his new golfing buddy, Jeremy asked Emery on the way home, “So what did you think? Did you have fun?”
“No? Why not?”
“You wouldn’t let me play in the sand.”
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