Well, it was bound to happen and here we are, 4 months into Sunday Stirrings and I’ve got nothing. When I began this weekly posting it was more about accountability than anything else. I can walk around for weeks with stuff in my head that I want to write about. But in January when I announced publically that I was going to focus on what God was doing in my life and blog about it every Sunday, that heightened my awareness.
I had to pay attention to the Holy Spirit. I mean REALLY pay attention. Not just read my Bible, say a quick robotic prayer and go about my day. Focus in on what He is saying to me. Even in the midst of homeschool, bickering kids, or buying groceries. Even going so far as to SEEK HIM OUT.
It’s not easy. I couldn’t do it without the accountability. Unfortunately this past week, the only thing I was accountable to was my cough syrup the doctor so graciously laced with coedine. I had the flu right before Easter which then turned into full blown allergies. I coughed 3 whole nights away before my husband glared at me and said “Serioulsy? Are you going to the doctor or what???”
Maybe he didn’t glare. It’s hard to tell when your eyes are half shut from sleep deprivation. I saw my doctor (NOT THIS ONE), filled my prescription and have been catching up on my zzzzz’s ever since.
So in the name of full disclosure I just want you to know I only read my devotional/Bible study one morning this week. And that was today. I’m ashamed to say most of my prayer life the last 7 days has taken place in my kids rooms at bedtime…by them! Unless you want to count the “pllleeeaaassee God let me get some sleeeeeep” that was wheezed into my pillow at 3:30 in the morning.
I only say all this to let you know that I am a normal person. I used to feel horribly guilty about missing time with my Lord. I mean, I still feel bad about it, but more because I know that I missed out this week. Time with God is no longer done strictly out of obedience. It’s sweet. And who wouldn’t want more sweetness in their life?
My friend and I were talking about how crazy it is that one morning you can have the most intimate, breath taking moments with Him, and the next day completely forget about having your quiet time until you’re fixing dinner. How is it even possible that something so wonderful can be pushed to the end of our lists?
That’s just insane.
So I guess today’s Sunday Stirrings is my way of encouraging anyone who’s reading to keep digging into the Word. Don’t feel bad for lost time. Pick yourself (and your Bible) up and see what God has in store for you. Today our guest preacher reminded us that there is power in the Word. Real, sweet, bondage breaking, life changing power. Go and getcha some!!!
And for those of you who were not doped up on presciption medication this week, and who would like to share what God is stirring in their lives, here’s Mr Linky:
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