About an hour ago it was Emery’s naptime. He was in the basement playing nicely by himself and I hated to interrupt, but you know…it was naptime…and I take naptime seriously around here y’all.
Since Emery is no longer a willing participant of naptime, I anticipated some resistance. I went into the playroom and annouced, “Naptime, Emery! Let’s go!”
He calmly looks at me then points to the light fixture. “No Mama. Not naptime. Too light.”
So I reached over and shut the light off, leaving us in the dark. “Oh,” he says, and goes right up the stairs to his room.
Jeremy’s snoring became too much for me one night and I had made my way to the couch to finish sleeping until morning. Emery got up kinda early, saw me laying there, and snuggled in beside me under the quilt.
When Jeremy got dressed for work, he came out of our room and found the 2 of us cuddled up together. He got down on his knees, put his arms around us, and held us both in a bear hug.
Emery was trying to say something but it was muffled under the covers. He said it again and again. Finally I understood what he was saying…”No Daddy! Get your OWN BED!”
Savannah hates to have her hair washed. Always has. So I have fought this same battle almost every night for over 4 years, because yes, she was born with a head full of hair!
The other night was no execption. When it came time in the bath routine to shampoo, she started fussing at me. I’m not sure what happened but for some reason she got very upset and started crying intensely. I was trying to figure out what went wrong this time but her whining and sobbing made it impossible to decipher.
She finally calmed down and was left sitting in the tub, arms folded and lips pouting. Under her breath I heard her say, “You’re fired.”
***For more Tiny Talk, visit Mary!***