…can I go outside to hang Christmas lights on the evergreens in jeans and a sweatshirt and be so incredibly hot that I start questioning whether or not it is actually November 29th.
And only in the South would I sustain injuries from hanging lights on the evergreens after I stepped on a bed of very active fireants. Shouldn’t they be hibernating or something by now???
Anyways, if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been, well I’m trying to get the house looking festive for tomorrow night. And what is tomorrow night, you ask? It’s our company Christmas party and we are having it right here at home. Ahhh…should be nice. But it’s been a lot of work, especially since I’ve had a couple of other appointments this week and also the last 2 days the kids have come down with an annoying cough and cold virus that keeps us all up during the night. And just keeps them cranky, whiny, and needy during the daytime.
So basically my lack of blogging has led to my house looking great for the party, but my lack of sleep may leave me doozing next to the punchbowl by tomorrow night. Yaaawwwwnnnn!