I love a good calendar. I’ve used everything from wall hangers to wallet sized to large desk calendars with 2 inch blocks to moderately priced Day Runners. This year I’m trying something different.
I ran across the site called Motivated Moms (I’m sorry I don’t remember how I found it or I would plug the person who clued me in). From their website:
“Motivated Moms is a printable chore planning system to help you have a clean and organized home and still have time for yourself!
Motivated Moms is a great idea for anyone that would like an easy system to help them to know what to do each day.
Just consult the list, do the work, check it off for the day and enjoy your free time!”
Hmmm…yes, I was intrigued. Free time? What’s that???
So I paid the affordable $8 for the download and within minutes knew I would love this system. Sure there are the normal everyday chores, but then I noticed on one day it read “work on baby’s scrapbook”. And another day said, “pamper yourself”. Hey, now that’s a chore I can do! :)
I wanted to wait until I had used it for a while before giving my opinion on it, and I can honestly say that 10 days into it, I really like it. If you think it sounds interesting, check out their sample page. It might be just what you need to free you up for family time as well.