I got started on a project today that’s been on my to-do list for quite a while. I’ve been actively thinking about it, but not exactly doing anything with the thoughts. And in my defense, the one time that I did try to accomplish part of it, I couldn’t find the material I wanted. I needed the perfect blend of colors. No pastels. No florals. Not too beige and “natural”. I wanted color, bright color, but it couldn’t be gaudy. Oh yeah, and I needed to decide what it was I wanted to do with all this color.
That’s when my mom showed me a quilt pattern called Wicked Easy. Sounds perfect for me! Not the wicked part…the easy part. (That doesn’t sound good either, does it!) Then we went to the fabric store.
After looking around a bit, there it was!!!! I couldn’t believe how well it matched the idea I had in my head. It was Perfect! Just what I wanted! We found coordinating colors and bought the sizes I needed. I couldn’t wait to get back to mom’s house to see how it was going to look pieced together.
So far today I got all the material cut and put together 5 blocks. I have 15 more to put together. And I really LOVE how it looks. I have a feeling this is going to be an awesome looking quilt. And I’m so glad…because it’s for an equally awesome person!