In recent weeks my Grandma had asked to go back home to Illinois to stay in a nursing home there. Last Friday we got a call that her blood oxygen was extremely low and she was being taken to the hospital. After staying overnight, they tried to get her off the machine so she could go back to the home. But everytime they’d take it off, she couldn’t breathe.
After I got off phone with my mom I decided to tell Savannah a little bit of what was going on. I went into her room and asked her if we could sit down on the floor and talk. She agreed. It went like this:
Me: Nanny just called and told me that Grandma is very sick. They had to take her to the hospital. I think we should say a prayer for her.
Her: What’s wrong with her?
Me: Well, she is having trouble breathing so they have a machine that is helping her. But everytime they take her off the machine, Nanny said she turns blue.
Her: (a pause…then a smile) Cool! I want to see Grandma turn blue!!!
My son, the night owl, was up late the other night when I was taking Stafford outside to go to the bathroom before bed. I asked Emery if he wanted to go with us. It was the first time he had been out that late and immediately he noticed sounds he never heard before.
Him: (eyes wide) Whaz dat?
Me: Ummm, sounds like some crickets and maybe even a few frogs.
Him: Frogs?
Me: Yep frogs.
Him: Why?
Me: Well, the neighbors have a water fountain in their yard and frogs like to hang out there.
Him: Becuz dats where dey live and eat?
Me: Wow! That’s right. They live and eat in the water. How did you get to be so smart?
Him: Cuz I so big. (pause)….An ode.