Emery hopped up on my bathroom scale the other morning. Next thing I know, he jumps off, spins around and shouts, “Yeah Baby…I got four zero BONUS POINTS!!!!”
Wish it were that exciting for me!
On the way to church Sunday the kids were bickering in the back seat. I gave them a verbal reprimand and waited for some kind of reply. When nobody said anything, I asked, “Do you guys understand what I said?” Silence. I repeat louder, “Hello? Does anybody understand what I said???”
Savannah gives a half-hearted, “Yes, Ma’am” under her breath.
I look at Emery in my rear view mirror. He is stubbornly staring back at me. “Emery, I asked a question and it’s rude to ignore me. Do you understand?”
“Emery, I am talking to you, Son. Do you understand what I am saying???”
Still silent.
I am now going head to head with my 3 year old strapped in his carseat. “Emery, this is your last chance to answer me. Did you hear what I said?”
He nods. I feel there is hope that this conversation may end sometime today.
“Well, what did I say?”
He sighs and mocks me saying, “You said, ‘do you understand, do you understand?'”
Such a literal little mind.