The other day my kids and I hopped in the truck. It never fails that as soon as their seat belts are fastened, they each begin shouting their music requests. Emery’s favorite CD right now is the “Obedient Bee” that they are practicing for the Kids’ Choir performance. Savannah’s choices are dictated by her mood. Everything from the Disney station to “cowgirl music”. And if Emery has ticked her off, then it’s anything EXCEPT what he wants to listen to.
This particular day they both wanted to hear Casting Crowns. Hallelujah! My favorite, so let’s crank up the volume!!!
I love to hear my little ones sing Casting Crowns songs. It cracks me up hearing Emery belt out the words to “What this World Needs” in it’s super fast tempo. I mean really, just imagine him saying “sign wavin’ super saint” with his little lispy tongue. It turns out more like, “thign wavin’ thuper thaint.” Hee Hee!
It’s also funny when they try to tell me what song they want to hear since they don’t know the song titles. Usually they will sing a line or two, and we try to go from there. But the other day, Savannah said, “I want to hear that one where God comes alive.”
I was stumped. There is one called “The Word is Alive”, but she insisted that wasn’t it. So I started wracking my brain to figure it out. Everything I suggested, she said “Nope!”
When I finally realized which song she meant I was amazed at her perception of the words to the song. The title is “If We are the Body” and the refrain states, “If we are the body…why aren’t his arms reaching, why aren’t his hands healing, why aren’t his words teaching…”
As I sat there listening to the whole song I wondered why I hadn’t seen that before. Truly, if the Word says that WE are the body of Christ, then we should be doing all the things that Christ would do. With our arms, legs, feet, words, attitudes, and actions. Everything.
Thanks Savannah, for a quickie Bible lesson. I needed that reminder.