So today I went to Wal Mart. Not exactly my first choice of places to be 3 days before Christmas, but since I went 18 days without a refrigerator, pretty much everything had to be thrown out. My fridge was fixed on Friday (thank you Chanch), I just couldn’t pull a grocery list together until this morning.
And ya know, given that I was in Wal Mart, 3 days before Christmas, when school is out and the freaks are in, I had a smorgasbord of rant material. From parking spot stalkers to aisle blockers to cell phone talkers. And everything in between.
The funny thing is, none of that really got on my nerves today. Maybe it was the Christmas spirit. Maybe it was knowing we were all in it together. More than likely it was nothing more than I was out of the house by myself and I wasn’t going to let anything or anyone spoil my fun.
Even at Wal Mart.
Three days before Christmas.
But then I saw it. I was stunned. Dost mine eyes deceive me? I went out of my way just to be sure I hadn’t completely lost my mind. And as I got closer, my mouth fell open. Certainly this must be some kind of mistake.
Right there, in the specialty/holiday section were Valentine’s Day gifts. Oh yes they were. I checked the heart shaped gift tags and everything. Now I ask you, who in the world, even in the world of the pre-planning types, is buying Valentine’s Day gifts the week of Christmas???
And to make it worse, it was baskets of cookies. Mmmmm…I can only hope that my special Valentine buys me cookies in December and gives them to me 2 months later. Ah…a girl can dream I suppose.
Just shows that even THEY are tired of Christmas by the time it gets here because they’ve had that out since September!
hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! Even if your special Valentine doesn’t buy them now, what if the poor unsuspecting chap goes out on Feb. 13 and chooses the ones that have been sitting on the shelf since Dec. 23?! Or maybe they are even left over from Valentine’s Day 2008?!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, glad you got your fridge fixed. I can’t imagine how heartbreaking to throw away all that food or how inconvenient — or expensive to feed a family of 4 — without a fridge for that long.
I noticed that when I was in Wal-mart the other day too!! I went in and they were in the middle of taking down the Christmas trees…you would think they would at least wait until the day after. I think I will just make sure to ask David not to get me cookies… :)
Got one better….bathing suits! Yes, they are in stores now! Saw them Dec. 23rd