I got up early this first morning of the new year. Probably has something to do with falling asleep around 10:30 last night. I’ve never been one to ring in the New Year. I’m more of an early-bird-gets-the-worm sorta girl.
Another reason could be the book I’ve been anxious to read. It’s called the Daily Bible and it is broken out into segments that allow you to read the bible in a year. But that’s not all! It’s chronological. Meaning, it’s not your average Genesis through Revelation bible. It groups stories, letters, prophecies, etc together for a smoother flow. And hopefully for me, a better understanding.
After having a little quiet time in Savannah’s room (long story there), Emery climbed into bed with me for some snugglin’. Then he and I headed downstairs to walk on the treadmill. Yes…together. His little legs wouldn’t allow me to go faster than a 2, but considering I was still wearing my robe and pajama bottoms I think it’s safe to say I wasn’t dressed for a tremendous fat burning workout.
After a quick shower the kids and I got ready to go watch Daddy play flag football with some guys from our Sunday School class. With all the smack talk that goes on before one of these events you’d think a Superbowl ring was riding on it.
That is my hubby, the QB, being chased by our Sunday School teacher, Kyle. And although there were no heisman’s awarded after today’s game, I think all the wives would agree they are winners in our book. After all, this was the second game in a row where no one went home injured or had to be taken to the ER.
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