Savannah just LOVES her animals. At the table yesterday morning, she had these 4 posed, watching her as she ate cereal and strawberries. Every now and then, she’d offer them a taste.
The lamb in the back has been with us since she was a baby. She has another one just like it, only it’s smaller, like the pink one in the picture. When she was 18 months old, we took away her pacifier and she took to the baby lamb. She named it Meo.
Meo went with her everywhere and it had the sweetest little voice that prayed, “Now I lay me down to sleep…” After the first (of MANY) sessions in the washing machine though, it quit talking altogether.
Over the past 5 years, Meo has become a well loved, well worn little lamb. It’s mother, Big Meo, is who you see pictured here. For Christmas, Aunt Jessica found her 2 more lambs. One light blue and the pink one above. She named them Fuzzy and Bubble Gum.
The Meo family gets dressed in doll clothes and taken on trips to the grocery store, church, restaurants, etc. Occasionally she will opt to take a Webkin or a Littlest Pet Shop critter with her in the car. But we don’t get far from home before she asks about going back to get Meo.
Her precious, baby Meo.