I am small and orange. I am blue on one end and it sucks.
I am 3 inches long and hollow in the middle. I weigh about as much as a sheet of paper.
Kids love me! Mothers…not so much.
Dogs like to chew me into little bits, leaving tiny pieces of wet foam stuck all over the hardwood floors.
What am I??? Still not sure?
See me sitting there on the door frame? I am elusive and difficult to catch. Often leaving those around me wondering, “Where’d it go?”
Still others, who were not present for my initial discharge, find me later and wonder “how’d that get here?”
I am mostly harmless with an occasional eye incident. Nothing that a little scolding for the guilty party can’t fix.
I am a nightmare at clean up time, leaving many a parent thinking “This is the last time I buy any more of these darn things!” But they will. Because the truth is, they think I’m loads of fun too!
So, what am I???
A nerf dart.