I am not much of a game show person. In college I watched The Price is Right because it was all I had to do between morning classes. When Savannah was 2 she liked to watch Wheel of Fortune. We’d turn it on at night after dinner and she’d squeal with delight each time a contestant called out a letter that lit up for Vanna to flip around. We called it “educational”.
The only shows I’ve ever watched for the pure enjoyment of them are Jeopardy and that Pyramid game that Dick Clark hosted way back when. Was it $25,000? $50,000? or $100,000? I can’t remember. But it was fun to watch.
Now I have a new favorite. This one I actually watch the clock to see if I can fit in a 30 minute episode. It’s called Cash Cab. Have you seen it? You can find it on the Discovery Channel of all places!
Even both of my kids like to watch Cash Cab. For a while there (a very short while) I was watching it as I walked on the treadmill. All 3 of us would head to the basement and “workout”. We’d take turns walking, lifting weights, and doing push ups. At the same time guessing the answers to Ben Bailey’s clever questions.
Even though the show is no longer in a time slot that allows me to workout (as if...), we still have fun catching an episode here or there, shouting and laughing along with the unsuspecting players. My kids have even taken the premise of the game show into their travel time as well. Not long ago, my mom was taking them somewhere when she had to come to a stop. A voice from the backseat said, “Hey Nanny, can you give us a red-light challenge?”