Some people write their blog posts early when they know they will be out of town or unable to post for one reason or another. It’s a nice way to give their readers something interesting while they are gone and most of the time, nobody even notices until the blogger gets home and writes “we spent all last week at the beach and had the most fantastic time!”
I, on the other hand, neglect my blog during the week and then overload my readers when I finally get a chance to sit down and write what’s been in my head. It hasn’t always been this way. I thought I would try to do some different bloggy things in hopes of increasing my chances of posting more regularly. One of them was joining a group called “You Capture”.
This group administrator posts a photography challenge each Wednesday and then we all post our photos from the challenge on our blog. Seeing as I took a weekend photography class in January and the only thing I’ve tried since then is formatting my memory card rather than deleting the old photos off of it, I thought a challenge in using the features of my camera was a splendid idea!
So this weeks challenge was “Fun”. And boy do I know a little boy who loves to have fun. Especially if it involves: dirt, water, and sticks.
I took Emery to the lake behind our house and took pictures of him stirring the pollen filled water with the “biggest stick ever in the whole world and oudder space!”
Besides taking a picture of “fun”, I also had a bit of a challenge snapping pictures in the woods on a partly cloudy day. Shadows can be an issue. I think I did okay because it was just about noon and the sun was high in the sky, even though sometimes it was behind the clouds. It was bright enough that I didn’t have to play with the colors at all.
Before we left the lake shore I noticed my neighbor had come down to fish on the bank. I took this last one, just for “fun”. :)