As of yesterday afternoon I wasn’t sure what I would be capturing for my nature photos since all my pretty flowers fried and died while we were lollygagging around Disney World last week. Then, in early evening, I had to park my car in an area I normally wouldn’t. I got out, walked around the front, and saw this:
I was surprised to see them here because the bushes we had last year were at the base of our driveway and created such an eyesore that we mowed them down in the fall. We didn’t have (or I didn’t notice) any blackberries up by the house last year.
And if you remember this post from last summer, you know that personally I am not a fan of blackberries, but the rest of my household is. So we picked the few that were ripe and now everybody is anxiously awaiting all these sour red berries to turn sweet, black.
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