When I first got into blogging a few years back I discovered a whole network of moms who homeschooled their children. It got me to thinking these crazy, whacked out thoughts. That maybe I too could stop anticipating the first day of school, get used to having my kids around me all the live long day, and hmmmm… I dunno…educate them myself???
As I took the first steps toward home education, I quite literally knew nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. But over the last 2 years, I’ve learned what works for our family, what we enjoy, and what makes me want to repeatedly bang my head against the wall until I’ve reached the outside world and then run wildly down the driveway screaming at the top of my lungs.
But that only happened once.
And although I seem to have figured out this gig so far, there is one thing that has me baffled. These homeschool mom bloggers. Ya know, the ones that post daily. Or hell, even weekly! What gives???
I bet their houses are clean too.
So c’mon guys. Let me in on the secret. I’m one of you now. You can tell me. It’s cloning, right? A mom for teaching, one for cooking and cleaning, the mom that takes care of the banking, and another for blogging. Oh and don’t forget the one that hops into bed with her husband late at night ready for anything that might “pop up”!
I’ll be honest with you right now. The only reason I’m even writing this is because my BFF Amy said she’d blog today if I did too. Well, guess what? As of right now, she still hasn’t posted. Go ahead and check her site. I’ll wait. Does it still say June 11th? I will cut her some slack on this because actually the post she wrote for June 11th is really good and you should read it.
As for me, well it took me almost 24 hours to write this spectacular literary work. Impressive, huh? For my friends and family who still check here for updates, you guys are so sweet. And quite tenacious I might add. Thank you for not giving up on me and my little corner of the world wide web. I promise to do better!