Sometimes, the only way you can get through a difficult situation, is to find a little humor in it. Here’s some of our funnier moments over the past couple of weeks:
Anyone who knows me at all knows the running joke about how I am constantly leaving cups of coffee in the microwave. I warm them up only to walk away during the heating process and then get busy doing something else. When I finally remember, the coffee is cold and I start all over again. I do this
The day of the fire I was standing on my driveway watching the fireman bring certain items outside. I’m not sure why they left some things inside and brought others out, but at any rate…my microwave was one of the appliances that was set down not far from me. And yep, there it was, my morning coffee cup tucked safely inside. :)
As the first Sunday after the fire approached, I began wondering what I was going to wear to church. I had been given a good bit of clothes, but it was going to be sort of a mix-n-match deal and I hadn’t gone through everything yet. Then, on Saturday, a woman from church called me and said, “Hey, God told me to give you something. Can we meet up?”
I was secretly hoping it was a Bible because I was really missing mine and couldn’t bring myself to buy a new one, holding out hope that mine would be able to be restored. When I got to her house, she gave me a hug then gave me the cutest black and white dress! She said it had been hanging in her closet, still with the tags on, and He told her that I should have it.
Pretty cool, huh?
So the next morning I got up and put it on. I expected it to fit perfectly, which it did, because I’m pretty sure God knows my measurements and why would He ask her to give me something that didn’t fit? Hello??? But it wasn’t until I had the dress on that I realized I didn’t have any shoes!
I shouldn’t say that. I did have shoes. One pair of black, plastic flip flops and one pair of gray tennis shoes I had been wearing to the house that smelled like an enormous charcoal grill. I opted for the flip flops.
Next I proudly walked downstairs and proceeded to show Jeremy my new dress. Ta-da! “Look how nice this fits! Can you believe it?” He looked me up and down and said, “Yeah. It’s nice. But what’s with the shoes?”
I believe there was a sarcastic comment in there somewhere as I explained about my limited footwear options. Then the kids and I headed out the door while Jeremy finished getting ready.
I didn’t see him again until he came into the sanctuary at church. He too, had been given a lot of clothes. As he walked up to me I glanced down to see that the khaki’s he had on were about 3 inches too long and he was wearing them with bright blue and white Nike tennis shoes.
There was only one thing I could say, “Nice. But what’s with the shoes?” And we cracked up!
The kids ask every now and then about when we can replace some of their favorite toys. I spare them all the details about how we don’t have enough room right now and how the insurance company has to determine what they will pay to replace…ya da ya da ya da. But I did tell Savannah one day that it would be a good idea for her to make a list of the things she can remember. That way, when it comes time to go shopping, she won’t forget which ones she wants to replace.
So I let her work on the list for a while before sneaking a peek over her shoulder. I saw her list a Nintendo DS. I questioned this because she didn’t have a DS. “Yeah, I know”, she said. “I’m going to get the DS to replace my Leapster.”
Smart girl!
And last, but not least, this quote from my mother in law on Mother’s Day: “Jodi, on behalf of all of us, I just want to thank you for making shopping so easy for you this year. I mean, really, what do you get the woman who has nothing?”