I did my first bible study with Good Morning Girls last fall. It was called “Loving Like Jesus”. I liked it because it was different from most studies I’ve done which “hand feed” me the material. Meaning… they give you a verse (sometimes you don’t even have to look it up) and then they proceed to tell you what it means. And while I have gotten a great deal of information out of these studies over the years, I was looking for something with a little less hand holding, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to go it alone just yet.
What I found was a perfect compromise! The Good Morning Girls (GMG) gave me a study outline that included a verse each day. But other than that, I was supposed to read the chapter and verse, and then use the Holy Spirit to discern its meaning for me. They explained the SOAPing method of bible study: S=scripture O=observation A=application and P=prayer.
I liked that first GMG study and went on to do their Thanksgiving study last November and their “Ministry of Motherhood” study (book by Sally Clarkson) over this years’ summer break. Around the time I wrapped up the “MOM” study, the GMG’s split into 2 groups, each with different names. So now, to follow along with GMG, you will have to visit “Women Living Well”.
I was excited when I found out Courtney was going to set up a plan to read through the Bible. We won’t be able to do it in a year, but she will be making a plan each month for which books and chapters we will be reading. We will continue to do the SOAPing study method in our journals. Tomorrow starts with Esther and you can go here if you want to follow along.