Today is the first day of the Ultimate Blogging Party (hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom). And guess what? I’m not even here. I know, I know! What kind of a hostess invites people over, then leaves?
Croppers. That’s who.
Every year for 4 years, the first weekend in March is reserved for my annual scrapbook retreat. There is a crazy bunch of women, usually around 25 of us, that pack up our pictures and supplies and head to the hills (of Georgia, that is) for an entire weekend of cropping. No kids or husbands allowed (unless you are one of the nursing moms whose husband has the kids in a nearby hotel and just drops by momentarily for more breast milk…yes, it’s happened).
So please accept my apology for skipping out on the very first party day, but I have actually planned ahead and have some posts that should “post themselves” (if I figured this WordPress stuff out right), while I am out of town. Until then, please feel free to get to know me a little bit better by reading this.