Okay, so I am assuming that if you came back today, you are not offended that your hostess here at Fruit Inspection is actually out of town during the first 3 days of the Ultimate Blog Party. I thought for day #2, seeing as I’m at a retreat all weekend working on my scrapbooks, I could give ya’ll a glimpse of what I will be doing while you are reading this.
On Friday, I got myself and the kids together as early in the day as humanly possible so I could be one of the first to arrive at the conference center. Not only to get to work ASAP, but also to get the best lighting spot! I will get out my pictures and supplies and work until the wee hours of Saturday morning (which says a lot for me because I am usually in bed by 10:00)!
I’ll get some sleep, then be up bright and early Saturday to work and work, and cut and paste, and stick and journal. It’s so much fun and the time flies by! Every so often I’ll take a break and grab a snack. Maybe watch a little TV and check out all the awesome layouts the other girls are working on. Then, in the wee hours of Sunday, I’ll crash in the bed, only to get up in a few hours to get some last minute pictures cropped before packing my belongings back in the car to head home.
If there are any croppers out there who have never attended a retreat, I gotta tell ya…You’ve GOT to try it sometime! The fact that you can work without interruption for 2.5 days is wonderful in and of itself, but even better than that for me is the inspiration I get from the other women who go. I am not very creative by myself, but surround me with some artsy fartsy gals and I can do some pretty amazing layouts. I’ll show you my favorite one when I get back home!
Until then, click below to see some of the photos from 2006 I’ll be working with while I’m gone. Enjoy the show: