This is my first time writing a Thankful Thursday list. I have seen them on other blogs and I think it’s a great idea. It’s a wonderful reminder of all the blessings that we have, in good times and in bad. It’s especially good to focus on the positive when you are just in a hormonal funk. Like this week has been for me. I am mostly thankful that this week of PMS is almost over, I am actually looking forward to starting my period! But in an effort to get off that topic (are you cheering out there?), here is my Thankful Thursday list…Home Edition:
1. I am thankful that we have a contract on our house.
2. I am thankful it closes in 4 weeks.
3. I am even more thankful that the buyers are not moving in until Novemember and have offered to let us stay here, RENT FREE, until our new house is ready.
4. I am thankful for the Indiana couple that decided they needed a winter home in Georgia.
5. I am thankful that preschool starts in another week which will give me plenty of time to pack.
6. I am thankful that I had an opportunity to live in this house which is more than I ever dreamed I would have. Even if it was only for 2 short years. And even though we will more than likely never build anything this extravagent ever again.
7. I am thankful that our new house has enough room for all our furniture.
8. I am thankful that the lot we wanted to build on was still available.
9. I am thankful that our new house is only 5 minutes from preschool.
10. I am thankful that my husband is a builder and will provide us just what we need.
***And thank you to Sting My Heart for giving the blogosphere Thankful Thursday!***