Dear Emery~
Today is your 3rd birthday. It’s a perfect day to reflect on the last 36 months since you joined our family. A perfect time to think about what I was doing 3 years ago today. A perfect occasion to wonder what life would be like without little ole you.
And I can tell you this…without you I would have actually had a moment to think to myself about all those things.
With you, life is, well…somewhat busy. I’m not sure who pegged the phrase “terrible two’s” but in my very limited experience, 2 is not so bad. The 2nd year is full of new experiences. There is so much to learn. Numbers, letters, sounds, and sentences. You ditched the crib for a big boy bed and just said “No” to the sippy cup.
Now, at age 3, you seem to know it all. You not only test every boundary I lay before you, but you do so with a glint in your eye and a grin on your face. Pushing the limits seems to be the most enjoyable part of your day.
Another favorite pastime of yours is arguing. It doesn’t matter what anyone says, you will reply, “No it’s not.” And you want to do everything yourself. Pour your drinks, wash your hair, pick your clothes, brush your teeth. You name it…”I do it myself!” Said with MUCH determination!
Maybe this third year is preparing me for adolesence. I guess I should call you my threenager. I’d love to let you make your own mistakes and learn things for yourself, but your interests involve the use of knives, jumping off of very tall objects, and anything fast. I’m afraid I will never get the opportunity to say “I told you so”.
As you approached this milestone, 2 new developments caught me completely off guard. First, your food can’t break. (Now there’s a sentence I never thought I would write.) Take for instance, a granola bar. It must be completely whole as it comes out of the package. If not…it is cause for a total meltdown.
Second, I never thought I would have the need for so much Super Glue. Popsicles and Little Debbie snacks must remain in tact, but apparently household objects can be trashed on a regular basis with no thought whatsoever.
I’d be lying though if I said the constant battles with you are what I remember most when I lay my head down on my pillow each night. No, what I like to think about is how easily you can make all of us laugh. Or how much you enjoy quoting your favorite movies, like Toy Story and The Incredibles. Daddy and I are thrilled at your sudden change of heart about “snuggle time”, seeing it for what it is, rather than a sneaky attempt by us to get you to fall asleep whenever we want.
You definitely have a mind of your own with no fears holding you back. Your love of life and living it is contagious and it’s what makes you so fun to be around. My prayer for you as you continue on in your 3rd year of life is that you will grow to accept the discipline that you receive as a way for you to achieve wisdom and understanding, and not just something we do to upset you. As it says in Proverbs 15:32 “He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever heeds correction gains understanding.”
We all love you very much, Sunshine!